Tsui Malin was one of many thousands whose lives were disrupted during Japanese invasion of China. Like leaves in a storm, the refugees fled from their homes and families in a desperate effort to escape the invading armies. For Malin it was still worse – she was suspected by the Chinese authorities of being a collaborator so she was fleeing them also. Her only consolation lay in her great love for Poya, a man of noble birth who passionately returned her feelings. But Poya was married, and enforced separation and subsequent misunderstandings led to a crisis in their relationship. Malin, in her great sorrow, turned to Poya’s close friend, Lao Peng. Together they dedicated themselves to the care of refugees. And there Malin learned a new philosophy and attained a maturity and serenity which gave her new beauty and a fresh understanding of life. This is not only the story of one young woman. It is a sensitive and moving chronicle of China during a time of great suffering which is enlightening as well as absorbing.
Tsui Malin was one of many thousands whose lives were disrupted during Japanese invasion of China. Like leaves in a storm, the refugees fled from their homes and families in a desperate effort to escape the invading armies. For Malin it was still worse – she was suspected by the Chinese authorities of being a collaborator so she was fleeing them also. Her only consolation lay in her great love for Poya, a man of noble birth who passionately returned her feelings. But Poya was married, and enforced separation and subsequent misunderstandings led to a crisis in their relationship. Malin, in her great sorrow, turned to Poya’s close friend, Lao Peng. Together they dedicated themselves to the care of refugees. And there Malin learned a new philosophy and attained a maturity and serenity which gave her new beauty and a fresh understanding of life. This is not only the story of one young woman. It is a sensitive and moving chronicle of China during a time of great suffering which is enlightening as well as absorbing.